“The Universal Remedy” safe and gentle ……. * anti bacterial * anti viral * anti fungal *for all infections / cuts / burns / open wounds / ear and eye infections.
Most people use colloidal silver to heal internal infections such as cold, flu and food poisoning or topical infections such as infected boils, cuts or even MRSA infections .. plus, it works great for resolving earaches, eye infections, sinus infections, tooth infections, bothersome skin conditions and much more.
Colloidal Silver
A great success in the time of the Covid panic
Here are some unsolicited reviews from a public online site:
“Hello Everyone !!! I survived Covid ???? Thanks to my bodyguard,colloidal silver.
I took 5mls every one hour ,and took loads of warm water.
When the virus had left my body I was left very tired and my body was painful but weird that my body was never weak…..I took this could be the effect the body intense fight against the virus…I fully recovered in five days.
I realised and was amazed that colloidal silver killed the cough on the first day …the second day a big headache was there but also vanished with sunset,my throat symptoms never moved too far because immediately after I got the throat I took colloidal silver.
On the first day ,the problem was my heart ,as if something heavy is pressing my chest …though I could breathe but the pain felt like a hospital case,but hey that’s the moment where I began to set my alarm to never miss my hourly remedy ????… ” Details provided 27.6.21
Colloidal Silver
The universal all natural, safe, non toxic healing remedy. Zero toxicity. Safe for babies and children too
Please note that all BIO-SIL Colloidal Silver products (e.g. different sizes), contain the exact same liquid – all 18ppm
Safe for babies and children
*anti bacterial *anti viral *anti fungal
* for all infections *cuts *burns *open wounds *ear and eye infections
Wonderful for all of your pets.
Add to their drinking water or apply orally / topically as required
Storage: Not to be refrigerated. Best stored in a cool cupboard, out of direct light
Prior to 1938 colloidal silver was considered to be one of the mainstays of ‘antibiotic’ treatment. It is still considered to be the most universal healing substance that is non-toxic. It has been proven to be useful against hundreds of different infectious conditions, as compared to traditional antibiotics, which carry negative side-effects
A note from the wonderful humanitarian, physicist, grandfather of COLLOIDAL SILVER – Dr Robert Beck (D.Sc)
Colloidal silver : Trace elements exist even in distilled water, and when the charged silver particles combine with a specific trace element, the solution can turn one of a number of colors, like gray, yellow, green or brown. The element the silver chooses is largely irrelevant
Benefits of colloidal silver : Zero toxicity. The body’s ability to process the tiny atoms of colloidal silver makes silver build-up in the body impossible. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Poison control Center reports a “No Toxicity” listing for colloidal silver. In fact, it appears that harmlessness is one of the attributes of the colloidal state, regardless of content.
Since the body has a vital need for silver – to maintain the immune system and to produce new, healthy cells – and since our blood is also a colloid, the harmonious way in which colloids enter the body may well make colloidal silver the safest medicine on earth
One product for a multitude of applications: * A sip a day straight from the bottle is best!*
Just 10 ml per day, or megadose, e.g. three or four times a day when the immune system is compromised
* To fight infections increase dosage (30+ ml),even mega-dose until the infection has cleared
* This product can be applied directly to open wounds, eye/ear infections and skin problems
* It can be inhaled or applied into the nostrils with an eye-dropper for sinus, cough and post-nasal drip. Nasal Spray (Colloidal Silver) 50ml BACK IN STOCK! | Natureal South Africa
* A re-fillable spray attachment is available which screws onto the 500 ml, enabling one to use BIO-SIL as a cooling spritzer, deodorant, skin toner, spray for burns and wounds etc Available at this link: Colloidal Silver Pocket Spray 50ml | Natureal South Africa
Also available at this site : 50 ml handy pocket/handbag spray which is refillable and nasal spray, also refillable. All of BIO-SIL colloidal silvers are the identical strength and content.
Other benefits:
Colloidal Silver is effective for tooth and gum problems and infections. Can Colloidal Silver Help You Avoid a Painful Root Canal?http://www.thesilveredge.com/rootcanal.shtml
Colloidal Silver and Healthy Teeth and Gums http://thesilveredge.com/colloidal-silver-and-healthy-teeth-and-gums.shtml
Colloidal Silver and Infected Teeth and Gums http://www.thesilveredge.com/dental.shtml
Colloidal Silver Tames the Dental Plaque Monster http://thesilveredge.com/plaque.shtml
Can Colloidal Silver Help Remineralize Damaged Tooth Enamel? http://www.thesilveredge.com/tooth_enamel.shtml
At least one man says colloidal silver is not only healing his tooth infection, but re-mineralizing the damaged tooth enamel, as well. His experience, described below, coincides nicely with the work of Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., who found that electrically generated silver ions have the power to trigger bone growth and re-mineralization.
Two and a half weeks ago I noticed two cavities high up in my front teeth. Both were brown and unsightly, and I was kicking myself for not noticing them before and brushing my teeth more carefully. The gums had also receded above them. One of the cavities was particularly deep and exceptionally sensitive to the sharp end of a pair of scissors I several times placed against it. As I have had amazing success in the past curing all kinds of problems with colloidal silver, I searched on Google to see whether there was a natural way of curing my two cavities, and I learned for the first time that teeth could naturally re-mineralize. I decided to brush my teeth regularly throughout the day, particularly after meals and taking special care to spray the damaged areas with colloidal silver. I was not particularly hopeful, but I dreaded going to the dentist. The last time I went was 24 years ago for a cavity-fill high up on another front tooth. The drilling was excruciatingly painful at the time and the tooth far more sensitive to pressure after the operation than before. Well, after a week I started noticing some tiny signs of whiteness against the brown. I thought that maybe I simply hadn’t noticed it before. Now, another week on, I can clearly see new white bone growing in both cavities.
I’m simply amazed. Every day I notice a small improvement. At this rapid rate, I guess both my teeth could fully recover in a month’s time, even though I’m 52. I thank God for what I am still experiencing as a kind of miracle, especially given the intensive dental propaganda regarding the need to drill and fill. If my experience is at all typical, then I can only say: Woe to you dentists who deliberately conceal from your clients the naturally curative properties of human teeth once properly cared for. And blessed indeed are those persecuted for attempting to get the truth out! Timothy D, Surrey, UK
In a study titled Effects of Electrically Generated Silver Ions on Human Cells and Wound Healing, which was published in the journal Electro- and , Dr. Becker concluded: “Healing rates in these wounds are significantly accelerated and are accompanied by enhanced healing of the bone, soft tissue, nerve, and skin, with replacement of missing tissues by normal tissues. The responsible agent for these cellular effects is believed to be the electrically generated silver ion.”
Since there are no clinical studies demonstrating how healing tooth enamel with colloidal silver might work, or how much colloidal silver it might take to achieve it, it is unfortunately another one of those situations in which you’ll just have to experiment for yourself to see if it works for you.
My Own Experience with tooth healing (Steve Barwick, www.thesilveredge.com)
This brings to mind a painful molar I had many years ago. The dentist had x-rayed it, and told me it had a hairline crack running through it, and was going to need a root canal due to infection. Dreading the root canal, I went home and started using colloidal silver daily, holding it over the tooth for seven to 10 minutes at a time, as many as three or four times a day. I went back to that same dentist about a month later, and had him re-examine the tooth. I told him the pain was completely gone. He took x-rays again, and began to apologize profusely for having recommended a root canal. He said the tooth absolutely did not need one. Many years later I went to another dentist who carefully examined all of my teeth. I asked about the hairline crack in that molar. There’s no evidence of a hairline crack in that molar”, she replied.
According to the EPA (CASRN 7440-22-4) Daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD) applied to 10 ppm, one may ingest 178,850 servings safely over 70 years
…. and finally a great little video on How to Nebulise with Colloidal Silver: Thanks to The Silver Edge : https://thesilveredge.com/nebulize-colloidal-silver/h
Natureal –
Lesley Peju
Natureal –
robert smith
Natureal –
Thirusha Sayed
Great product, definately works
Natureal –
I would like to inform you of my success story with the colloidal silver liquid spray. I am 64 years old and was recently diagnosed with Rosacea.
I have been battling for months with Rosacea, this has caused a persistent redness and pimples on my face. This year I visited a dermatologist who put me on a course of 3 months antibiotics, which helped a little but I was still getting pimple break outs on my face.
Recently I was clearing out my bathroom cupboard and came across a spray of colloidal silver and thought if I sprayed this on my face would it help my condition as I was getting desperate and not wanting to go back on another course of antibiotics. ☹
Within a few days I was seeing good results and now a month later my face is still looking smooth and I could not be happier. The pimples have disappeared and the redness has improved but has not disappeared completely.
Thank you Biosil !!!
Natureal –
Received from a customer 21.1.2021
e-mail and phone details provided
to info
hi there… just wanted to say that I think of u all frequently as I use my Biosil…
I so appreciated all who were involved in getting my parcel couriered to me in Steytlerville…
I have used it in a myriad of ways .. as I had in the past… but with variations this time…
It saved my 3 kitties from the almost certain death expected by the vet for 2 of them ( snuffles) (a 300+ km round trip) in August… I spent a whole night syringing 2-3mm into each one hourly… then 2hourly & as they began to revive, 3 hourly, then 4x pd & so reducing till they were fully alive & eating normally.
I use it as part of my immune building program as I am considered as high risk.
just today my neighbour cut his finger very deeply…. his Rottweiler Flip4… who was my beloved Mr Flippinsky – a rescue many years ago – has an eye problem which I treat over the fence now & then… and so on.
It treated a township child with boils… I keep any brown glass bottles that come my way… just wish they came with spare spray tops !
Enough rambling… I trust u r all Gerry O
I otften send Ian a verbal thank you for his generosity…
Natureal –
An ardent believer of colloidal silver, have been using daily since the beginning of the pandemic.❤️FionaT (FB)
Natureal –
From a customer who provided name and details :
12 Jun 2021, 07:47 (1 day ago)
I’m a lady of 70 years old
We got Covid in the family
And the Dr prescribe colloidal silver to nebiuize 3 times a day.
It is fantastic I will always drink colloidal silver.